The Denver Forum is dedicated to the dialogue of democracy. That core belief was present at The Forum's inception in 1985 and remains, 26 years later, the driving principle of the organization. In faithful observance of that ideal, The Forum has presented more than 550 programs in the highest public interest.

Last year The Forum offered programs featuring former United States Senator Alan Simpson, who came in his role as Co-Chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform; Los Angeles Times reporter Tony Perry gave an in-depth assessment on Iraq and Afghanistan (based upon his 14 visits), Colorado's senior United States Senator Mark Udall talked about Congressional gridlock; Denver's new Mayor Michael Hancock made his first visit to The Forum; noted biographer John Farrell spoke about his book on Clarence Darrow; celebrated Texas attorney and author Talmage Boston spoke at The Forum's annual baseball luncheon, and both Governor John Hickenlooper and United States Senator Michael Bennett spoke at The Forum's 25th anniversary luncheon.

In 2010 The Forum presented Mary Alice Williams, former network news anchor and a founding vice president of CNN; Jim Leach, the former Iowa Congressman who now chairs the National Endowment for the Humanities; Christine Brennan, sports columnist for USA Today; Gary Hart, the former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate; Ed Perlmutter, Colorado's 7th District Congressman; Helen Thorpe, author of, "Just Like Us: The Story of Four Mexican Girls Coming of Age in America", and Richard Reeves, the nationally syndicated columnist and presidential biographer.

One of The Forum’s most memorable events took place in 2008 when former U.S. Senator George McGovern was honored for a lifetime of service to America. The program held during the Democratic National Convention featured former NBC Nightly News anchor, Tom Brokaw; former U.S. Senate Majority leader, Tom Daschle; former Massachusetts Governor and Democratic nominee for President, Michael Dukakis; former Maryland Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend; and former Vice President of the United States, Walter Mondale. In addition, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper presented The Denver Forum’s Spirit of America Award to Senator McGovern.

Denver Forum speakers represent different professions, philosophies, and political persuasions. An appropriate distinction, for it underscores The Forum's unyielding commitment to embrace neither political party nor partisan creed.

In addition, The Forum has presented such important programs as “Censorship in America”, “Denver in the Mind of America”, “An Evening With the Columnists”, featuring six of Colorado's leading journalists, and a symposium on “Have the Media Gone Too Far?” The Forum has also sponsored public debates among candidates for mayor, governor, U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate.

Events of The Denver Forum are held over lunch at the historic Oxford Hotel in Lo-Do. Some events are held at breakfast, others in the evenings. The Forum occasionally goes on the road to Boulder and Aspen. Members pay $30 for luncheons. Non-members, who pay $45 to attend events, are always welcome – but membership is encouraged.

Members of The Denver Forum include some of Colorado's most distinguished citizens, including Governor John Hickenlooper and his wife, Helen Thorpe; former Governor Richard Lamm and his wife, Dottie; former U. S. Senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart, Norm Brownstein and Steve Farber of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck; Lockheed Martin’s Joe Lehman, DMX Direct President Jim Kennel, Cap Logistics President & CEO Gayle Dendinger, Fulcrum Books founder Bob Baron, Timothy O’Neill of Snell & Wilmer, Bob Nicholls of Monarch Investment and Management Group, and Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey and his wife, Maggie.

The Forum's Corporate Sponsors include Bennett, Wagner & Grody, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, Cap Logistics, DMX Direct Inc., Lockheed Martin, Monarch Investment and Management Group, and Snell & Wilmer.

The Denver Forum holds to the Athenian's celebration of citizenship – a person engaged in civic life. If that describes the type of organization you're looking for, one that challenges you intellectually, causes you to reflect on the additional means by which you can help make Denver and our Colorado a better place, and bring you into association with remarkable people, then The Denver Forum is your organization.

Membership in The Denver Forum is open to all. Through membership individuals help sustain one of America’s great public forums. (Please see membership details on this Web page.)

The President and founder of The Denver Forum is George Mitrovich, who also serves as President of The Forum’s sister organization in San Diego, The City Club. In addition, Mr. Mitrovich chairs for the Boston Red Sox, The Great Fenway Park Writers Series.